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Sampark Setu Menu Walkthrough

This blog post will take you through every single module of our Sampark Setu app.

We would really appreciate it if you would read the whole post module by module, rather than jumping directly into any particular module, as through this blog post we also intend to make you understand the interrelationship among all the modules.

So without any further ado, let’s jump into the first module of the Sampark Setu app. I.e. Template Module.

1. Template Module

During our interaction with clients, be it be on emails or on WhatsApp, we tend to write repetitive texts. For example, Introduction about our company, our physical address, our bank details and likewise there are many common messages that we repeatedly write to different clients.

The template module allows you to create unlimited templates. So it’s just a matter of clicks to send big messages. And yeah, don’t worry you can also send personalized messages from here.

Now let us jump to the Tag Module.

2. Tag Module

Tags are nothing but a group of contacts.

Let’s say we have a list of prospects for our different products. And say we intend to send a set of messages to all these prospects. Can we afford to send information about product A to the prospect who was interested in product B? Well, This will put a very wrong impression, won’t it?

Well, the solution to this problem is pretty simple. All you have to do is group and categorize the contacts and assign appropriate tags. And for you, we have dedicated an altogether separate module where you can conveniently create tags and add contacts into it.

Did we just mention contacts? Let’s jump into the contact module then.

3. Contact Module

Just like your phonebook, you would see all the contacts of your phone in the contact module. The contact module has three key features, 

First, by swiping left on any number, you can quickly call them, send them SMS, or even WhatsApp them. Isn’t that cool?. Now you are probably thinking, what would happen if I swipe right, ain’t you?. Well, that brings us to the second key feature.

By Swiping right, you can easily add that particular number into tags.

Now you are probably thinking, what if I want to add multiple contacts into tags without having a need of swiping right again and again?. Well, hold your excitement, because the third feature addresses the exact problem.

You can select multiple contacts at once and then put them into the tag.

4. Call & SMS Module

Now you must be thinking, yeah that’s cool that we can swipe right & swipe left and do things on contacts that are saved on our mobile device, but what about those numbers that are not saved on our phones?

What if we just received one new inquiry while we are on our way to the office, and let’s say we intend to quickly send one message to that person. Can we do that in the contact module?

Well, technically you can’t do it from the contact module. But, you can do the exact thing through the call/SMS module.

Through the call/SMS module, you can quickly send messages to any unsaved number by swiping left. And just like the contact module, by swiping right, you can also put this unsaved number into the tag.

5. Campaign Module

Now let us assume another scenario, Let’s say, we are dealing with 3 or more products. And let’s say we have a list of prospects for each category of product. And suppose we intend to send a different set of messages to each prospect and that too on an interval of certain days. Does this task look tedious to you? Well thanks to Sampark Setu.

This task can simply be done using the Campaign feature of the Sampark Setu App. The campaign feature of the Sampark Setu app is designed for sending a set of messages to intended people over a period of days. When you will create a campaign, you will be asked to add the following details,

  • Unique Subject and Description for your campaign,

  • Tags for whom you intend to create this campaign,
  • And templates that you wish to send them.


While you are selecting templates for your campaign, you will be also asked to set interval days between each template. This is the most important part of any campaign because while you are creating a campaign, you should strategically plan the message sequence as well as interval gaps between each message.

Once you set the campaign live, you will see all the associated campaign messages in the message Module.

6. Message Module

In the message module, you would only see a list of unsent WhatsApp messages. Emails and SMS are generated in the background itself and they will be sent on scheduled days automatically.

You would be able to send all these messages by clicking on the play button. (You will find this button at the top right corner). Once you click on that button, you will see one window. This window is for setting parameters such as,

  • Numbers of messages to be send,
  • Interval between Each messages (in sec)
  • Number of batches & time interval between each batches (in minute).


Once you set these parameters, one by one, all your WhatsApp messages will be sent automatically..

Now let us dive into one of the important modules of Sampark Setu. i.e. Chatbot.

7. Chatbot Module

Now you must be thinking, “okay, that’s just chatbot, it’s so common nowadays, what is it that your chatbot can do that other chatbots can’t”. 

Well, The best part of our chatbot is “not only does it auto-respond to clients’ queries but also it is capable of understanding & capturing clients’ intent”.

To create a chatbot like this, all you have to do is define rules in the rule engine. The detailed process of creating a chatbot will be covered in a separate blog post. (Pls hold your excitements, we will soon add a link to that blog post here).

Now let’s head back to the dashboard Module. 

8. Dashboard

    • So in the completed messages tab, you will be able to see all the sent messages,
    • In the pending messages tab, you will be able to see all the messages that are yet to be sent.
    • In today activity, you will be able to see all the messages, emails, and calls that you performed today,
    • The last 7 days’ activity, highlights your last 7 days’ activities.

And likewise, you will be able to find so much information here in the dashboard Module. 

So this is it for the Menu Walkthrough blog post, I hope you were able to understand each & every module. In case you have any queries, email us at