14 Different Ways To Promote A Chatbot (Chatbot Marketing Hacks)

Hey there, do you own a business? Well, Since you have shown interest in reading this article, definitely you do own one. And I am sure you must be using WhatsApp to promote your offerings. But tell me one thing, Are you still manually replying to every query you get over WhatsApp?.

Language: English

Language: Hindi

Well, those of you, who are not aware of chatbots, definitely have been responding to queries manually. Here is one excellent tip for you people, “Integrate WhatsApp chatbot into your business, and it will respond to all your clients’ queries automatically.”
Chatbots are very much helpful for generating leads for your business. I know, those of you who are aware of chatbots, definitely know what chatbots are and what they can do. And those who know it must have already implemented chatbot into their business by now.

But you know what, implementing a chatbot is one thing & making people aware that you have implemented a chatbot into your business requires additional efforts. 

So, how do you tell people that you have implemented it? If you find it challenging to promote your chatbot, you have come to the right place. 

In this blog post, we are going to see 14 ways to promote WhatsApp chatbot. If you read this article until the end, I am sure this article will address your queries like, “How to promote a chatbot” or “How I make people aware about my chatbot”.

1: Chatbot promotion through “WhatsApp’s Greeting Message.”

Well, those of you who use WhatsApp business accounts definitely know how the greeting message works. 

Simply write a text, say, “Hi, I have implemented a chatbot. You can type 00 to explore it. Give it a try. ”.

Whenever someone WhatsApp you for the first time or after 14 days, they receive this automatic response. So one clear benefit of using WhatsApp Greeting message is, you never miss an opportunity to inform new customers regarding your chatbot.

2: Using WhatsApp’s “About Section” to promote your bot.

The about section tells your profile viewers “what exactly you are up to.” Well, obviously you can use the default suggestions like “I am at work” or “I am busy.” But why not take leverage of this option for lead generation. 

I mean, simply write “Try my WhatsApp chatbot, send me 00”. Whoever sees the about section of your profile may try sending 00. This line is also visible when anyone forwards any message to you. 

Now here comes my favorite method,

3: Promoting your Chatbot through SAMPARK SETU’s campaign 

Create a campaign in Sampark Setu and announce it to everyone. I feel this is the most effective way of promoting your chatbot. The first message of your campaign could simply be the good news about you having implemented Chatbot. 

Through the following message of your campaign, you can gently remind people by asking them whether they have tried your chatbot or not

And then through further messages of your campaign, you can inform people about offers and discounts on your products. But here is a thing, you should never give every detail in a single message. 

For example, When you are sharing information regarding offers on your products, write something like this. “Our END of season sales are Live now; send 100 to check out our exciting offers”. And when anyone sends 100, responders should receive further information on discounts & offers.

The idea here is that you should configure the chatbot in such a way that it requests people to type something to get further information. This way, people will use your chatbot and get accustomed to it

Note: The reason why this method is the most efficient way to promote chatbot, is because Chatbot only automatically replies to customers’ queries. 

However, if you are not using any dedicated tools like Sampark Setu or Sangam CRM, you might have to go through every conversation thread one by one to understand your client’s intent. 

But if you use Sampark Setu or Sangam CRM, you get the readymade list of tags that shows what were the intentions of clients who converse with your chatbot. This allows you to put different clients on different campaigns based on their intents.  

4: Promoting through WhatsApp status.

I am sure you swipe through Whatsapp status every day & surely your clients does it too. No doubt in it. So how about letting people know about your chatbot in this manner. They don’t charge us to post status, do they?. 

Just Share an image or simply click on the pen icon and type something like this “Hi, I have implemented a chatbot. You can type 00 to explore it. Give it a try” and post it. 

You may try posting this same status at regular intervals to keep reminding your clients about your WhatsApp chatbot.

5: Chatbot Promotion through WhatsApp’s URL link.

Many of you must be unfamiliar with this feature of WhatsApp business account. This feature allows you to create a short URL link that your clients can use to start a conversation with you. 

The best part about this feature is that you get to create a default text that automatically appears on the sender’s side of the screen when they click on the link. So basically, your clients get an idea about how they can begin the WhatsApp conversation with you. 

6: Promoting Through “WhatsApp Groups”.

Promoting Through “WhatsApp Groups is one of the very obvious ways through which you can promote your chatbot. However, Chatbots does not work within Groups. So you can not tell people to write 00 in the group. 

So make sure you write a message that tells group members to begin conversing on your personal WhatsApp window. Paste your WhatsApp URL link to ensure they don’t start conversing in the group itself. 

7: Using your Website for Chatbot Promotion

There are multiple ways through which you can make people know about your chatbot through your website. A straightforward way to do it is simply adding your WhatsApp chatbot URL link at the appropriate section of your website. 

You can also add a clickable button for the chatbot that redirects visitors to your WhatsApp chatbot. This is the best way to redirect your website visitors if they are accessing the website through their mobiles.

But if they are accessing your website through a computer, it’s better to put a QR code, instead of a clickable button.

8: Redirecting visitors of your Facebook page to your WhatsApp profile

Facebook now allows you to link your WhatsApp account with your Facebook page. The linking process is pretty simple. Once you link it, you can redirect visitors of your Facebook page to your WhatsApp profile pretty easily.

9: Using social media platforms for chatbot Promotion

Just like sharing a story over WhatsApp, you can also announce the same by sharing stories & posts on LinkedIn and Instagram. Make sure you mention the link to your WhatsApp ChatBot somewhere in your post.

10: Promoting YOUR CHATBOT through Email Signature

You can mention the link to your WhatsApp chatbot under the main body of the email. But sometimes, it’s irrelevant to put links into your email body out of no context.

Instead, try putting the link under the signature section. It will make sure that you never miss an opportunity to inform customers regarding your chatbot.

11: By printing the WhatsApp QR code, on your product’s packaging.

One clear advantage of printing QR code on the packaging of your goods is that all those who buy your product might actually try your chatbot. Just make sure the QR code you print is clearly visible, and the text written near the QR code is Appealing to readers.

Here is one tip for you, configure your chatbot in such a way that, all those who converse with your chatbot, get to know additional details regarding your products or your other offerings. 

12: By Sharing the QR code on your Printed Advertisements

You can strategically add the QR code into your Printed advertisements. Here also, make sure the QR code you print is clearly visible, and the text written near the QR code is Appealing to readers. 

Here is another tip: you can configure the chatbot to show your other offerings or highlight offers on other products.

13: Sharing the link or QR code via product brochures

If you own a business that deals with a variety of products or services. Then surely you must be having one or more Product Brochures. 

If you have one, you can strategically add the QR code of your WhatsApp ChatBot into these brochures. You can Configure the chatbot in such a way that people can find further details on each product.

Here is another tip, If you are sending the pdf versions of these brochures, then you can also add the clickable hyperlinks instead of QR codes. 

14: By displaying QR code on your retail/service Outlets

All you need here is a few good printouts of the QR code. All those customers who visit your retail outlet might actually scan the QR code and get the relevant information pretty easily. 

So these were 14 ways through which you can promote your WhatsApp chatbot.