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Avoid these 6 Mistakes, if you are serious about WhatsApp Marketing.

If you are serious about Marketing through WhatsApp then, you should avoid some common Mistakes that people usually make.

If you avoid these mistakes, then I am very sure, it will bring major improvements in your WhatsApp Marketing Campaigns.

I will be highlighting 6 common mistakes through this article.

And I will address all these mistakes one by one, so make sure you read this article till the end.

Mistake 1: Your WhatsApp Message Inbox is full of unread Messages

You can not just send messages to people through broadcasts or campaigns and leave their responses and feedback unread.

When you broadcast or send a message through Campaign, most likely you will receive responses from them. The response could be anything.

You must decide one time from your busy day to respond back to all the messages.

Mistake 2: Using two auto responses & that too written improperly

When you configure both the Away message & Greeting Message, the person who sends you a message will receive two back to back messages.

You should configure only one of them. (In my opinion, you should only set “Away message”, just leave the “Greeting Message”).

Also, you should not put Away messages as “Your message is important to us, but we are busy and therefore we will respond later”. This sounds too arrogant.

And therefore it is very important that you write an appropriate Away Message.

Mistake 3: Still using WhatsApp Messenger or Not using all features of WhatsApp Business Messenger.

A lot of business people haven’t switched to WhatsApp business Messenger from their regular whatsApp Messenger app. And those who have switched, haven’t started using Quick Replies and Catalogue.
Quick replies are very useful. Through them, you can send/respond to people very fast. You don’t need to type the whole message again and again repeatedly or paste the message from anywhere.

And catalogues will work as your website. Creating a catalogue will require effort though, but this effort is totally worth it.

You can mention all your offering in this catalogue and then can directly share the link of this catalogue with your prospects and clients from there itself.

You can also create a catalogue of step by step guides for using your certain product.

If you are looking to migrate from WhatsApp Messenger to WhatsApp Business Messenger, then watch this video

Mistake 4: Not Putting time and effort into deciding the message content

A lot of people don’t spend time & effort on deciding the content/message for WhatsApp Marketing.

People say things like, “I am involved in other business related work and hence i don’t have time to plan all this stuff”.

To get the optimum output through your marketing efforts, you will have to put in some quality inputs and efforts.

And hence you should invest some time on this.

To get Content ideas for WhatsApp Marketing, watch this video.

Mistake 5: Have Purchased Sampark Setu for Marketing but haven’t been using it.

If you have purchased Sampark Setu, then You must take out at least 8-10 minutes from your entire day and invest it on Sampark Setu.

If you are not using Sampark Setu for days, weeks and months…then you are actually wasting one of the important resources which can help you generate business.

Watch this below video and know what you should do in those 8-10 minutes everyday.

Mistake 6: Relying More on Chat and Not calling People when needed.

A lot of business people prefer to communicate through Chat.

I believe that, whenever anyone has shown interest in your product or has asked for pricing or quotation. You should call them rather than sending a message on WhatsApp.

In B2C, you might be able to close a deal only through messaging but in B2B, you will have to interact with people on call.

If prospects ask for catalogue, so rather than just sending catalogue, you should call them right after sending catalogue file.

The purpose of using WhatsApp is to make an engagement between people.

When people show interest to at least make interaction with your business, you should capitalise this initiative of them into a business opportunity by giving them a call.

So these were the 6 Mistakes which i feel business people should avoid. And as i mentioned in the beginning, if you will avoid them, then surely it will benefit you and your business.

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