Create a Campaign in 4 Simple Steps.

In this article, we will see the “4 Step process of creating campaigns inside Sampark Setu“. Here are the 4 Steps, STEP 1: Setting Campaign Name & Description. STEP 2: Adding Tag. STEP 3: Adding Templates & Setting intervals. STEP 4: Sending Mes...

Sampark Setu Menu Walkthrough This blog post will take you through every single module of our Sampark Setu app. We would really appreciate it if you would read the whole post module by module, rather than jumping directly into any particular module, as through this blog post we also intend ...

Reinventing WhatsApp Marketing for 2022

Groups and Broadcasts, uses and limitations WhatsApp Groups Groups are best suited for creating and nurturing communities. Some people make a group and then add lots of people into it and then they think that they will send a message to them daily.  Over and above this, they make these gr...